I support business executives who want to trigger excellence in leadership
You are a business executive with a proven track record. Tackt‘s clients are executives in multinational organizations. They are very clear on the strategy, deliverables and the timelines. However, they are struggling badly when it comes to the quality of relationships with some of the key stakeholders. Or indeed in having some of the key stakeholders relate constructively with one another.
Do any of the following scenarios resonate with you?
- You have an uncompromising need for achievement. Excellence, not average is your benchmark. Pacing and leading is not exactly your cup of tea. You get impatient when deliverables and timelines are not honored. However, in your annual performance review meeting, you have agreed to work on your people skills. The question now is how?
- You are a rather serious and reserved person. Strategic thinking is second nature to you. Giving recognition is something you leave to others. It could be misunderstood. Despite all your efforts to get it right, some of the comments in your 360° feedback have hit a nerve. And you are now looking for a strategy to address the issues raised. But who to turn to for expert input?
- You are absolutely in your comfort zone when it comes to articulating your standpoint. Confrontation is where progress happens. However, some key stakeholders are not up to the challenge. In fact some are refusing point blank to engage with you. But how to get them into the ring?
- You are a systemic thinker. You see connections which others don‘t see. You are in your element in fast-moving environments. However, this is not true for some of the key stakeholders. Those rigorous thinkers are forever predicting landmines ahead. How to gain their trust? How to get their buy-in? You need to find a strategy that works. But where?
- You take ownership and feel accountable for everything you commit to. Your reputation for reliability is widely known. However, you are confronted again and again with key stakeholders who are not dependable. You have addressed the issue at different times but to no avail. This is taking its toll. But how to trigger reliability when it is so obviously missing?
If one or more of these scenarios is true for you, please read on. You‘re in the right place.
My Clients include:
Accountants, architects, auditors, biologists, business administrators, chemists, economists, engineers, h.r. experts, i.t. experts, lawyers, pharmacologists, physicians and physicists.
They communicate in English.
They work across multinational organizations.
In sectors such as the aerospace and defence, pharmaceutical, chemical, agro-chemical industies; and the audit & advisory, hospitality and renewable energy services.
And the common denominator is: they are all exercising leadership or in the process of transitioning into leadership positions.
You will succeed if you
- have high standards of excellence!
- are clear on the desired outcome!
- understand that you are part of the solution!
- are open for a thought-provoking and creative process!
- value new perspectives!
If this is you, then you can trigger excellence in any professional relationship. I have supported numerous leaders like you to move to another playing field in relationship management.
Now that you know who we work with, just click on how we work to learn more about how it is to work with me.