What will Happen in the Executive Leadership Program
This program addresses five key approaches that are essential to triggering excellence in leadership. En route you will:
- Develop an acute awareness for how you tick – both in relaxed and stressful situations. You will learn how to pace and lead your unique talents.
- Develop an acute awareness for how those around you tick – both in relaxed and stressful situations. You will learn how to pace and lead their unique talents.
- Expand your capacity to deal with criticial incidents constructively. We will review and address such incidents consistently. They will no longer stop you in your tracks. You will welcome them as invitations to trigger excellence in leadership.
- Enhance your capacity – and the capacity of the key players – to keep the big picture in mind. From this perspective the blueprints emerge.
- Exercise leadership courageously. You will be engaging more with new realities. And you will be inviting others to participate in this critical process.
Whatever your leadership style is, these five approaches are designed to get you from where you are now to where you need to be in the most sustainable way possible.
Why Feedback is Key
One of the biggest challenges facing leadership today is not a lack of technical skills but the capacity to adapt. Not only to changing realities and situations but indeed in interpersonal interactions.
Lack of feedback on your behavior results in distorted images – both of yourself and of others. Critical incidents appear to be an integral component of business. And this is costly.
In fact, you may already be paying a high price with outbursts of frustration, annoyance and even anger. If so, performance is also suffering and impacting the bottom line.
The key to triggering excellence in leadership is self-leadership. If you can lead yourself – and that is the challenge – leading others becomes an inspiring and rewarding place to be. An organisation of enriching perspectives emerges.
The Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program puts the emphasis on feedback. By objectively looking at reality as a source of learning, I support you in developing your capacity to expand your repertoire and flexibility in exercising leadership.
The Results You can Expect
By the end of the program, you will:
- Be more acutely aware of your strengths and how they are impacting your life and the lives of those you interact with
- Be seeing more, further and faster than you saw before
- Be consciously orchestrating different perspectives
- Be giving feedback both to yourself and others more consistently
- Be challenging tunnel-vision and addressing blindspots more boldly
- Be listening differently, inspiring unconsciously and empowering automatically
- Have the ingredients to grow yourself and others more sustainably
- Have an expanded repertoire on how best to trigger excellence in leadership and be doing more of what works as opposed to what doesn‘t work
The Structure of the Leadership Program
The program is an in-depth twelve-month individual program that triggers excellence in leadership. It is tailored to address your needs and is adapted enroute to ensure reality is paced.
1. Status Defined
The program begins with three preparatory tasks.
- Firstly, I ask you to complete an online strengths finder profile.
- Secondly, I ask you to let me have a brief outline of your specific roles, responsibilities and objectives in your present position.
- And thirdly, I ask you to document three critical incidents in which you were involved in the previous three months.
All three documents need to be sent to me 2 weeks prior to the intensive immersion phase.
2. Intensive Immersion Phase (2 days off-site)
The emphasis in this phase is on looking at reality as a source of learning development.
- Firstly, we define your current reality.
- Secondly, we define where you need to be.
- Thirdly, we explore how best to get there.
- Fourthly, we put smart objectives in place.
3. Extensive Implementation Phase (24 x 1-hour sessions over 6 to 12 months)
The emphasis in this phase is on implementing your smart objectives. In these sessions we focus on how you are progressing. In each session, I pick you up from where you are and focus on what needs your immediate attention moving forward. Critical incidents are addressed and action steps agreed.
All sessions are documented. And absolute discretion and confidentiality are guaranteed.
The Next Step
If you would like to explore what options are open for you in triggering excellence in leadership and are prepared to act now, I invite you to contact me to schedule a complimentary Leadership Strategy Session.
The session takes about one hour and we can link-up either in person, or by phone or by skype.
In this session, we explore your current business situation: the key players, the goals, the challenges and the new realities your organization is facing.
Just contact me by phone (+49 (0)172 707 4797) or by email ([email protected]).
Now that you have an overview of the Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program, just click on stories to gain an insight into some of the results which have been triggered in programs to date.