The Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program
For one reason or another, your approach to leadership might not be triggering the responses you or indeed the business needs. You are at a loss as to how to proceed. Some personalities have become a nightmare. Certain situations are now intolerable. Feelings of confusion, frustration and even anger are not uncommon.
You might in fact be looking for a way to exercise leadership so that it works for you on different fronts: You want to lead yourself more effectively. You want to lead the key players more efficiently. You want to ensure the deliverables are relevant. And you want hands-on support to excel on one or all of these three fronts.
The Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program confronts and addresses these issues head-on.
This is What the Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program Achieves:
We work together to trigger excellence in leadership.
We do this by:
- Building on strengths. Profiling who you are and how you tick. Identifying whether you are more task-oriented or more people-oriented. Pinpointing how you respond when the pressure is on. Developing your capacity to trigger excellence in self-leadership.
- Capitalizing on differences. You also profile the stakeholders and how they tick. You identify whether they are more task-oriented or more people-oriented. You pinpoint how they respond when the pressure is on. And consequently you extend your capacity to trigger excellence in leadership.
- Fostering collaboration. When was the last-time you took a time-out to listen deeply? To hear those diverse perspectives? To trigger insights? To tap into that vast array of expertise and experience in the leadership pool ? This is leadership at its best.
First Things First
The first thing we do is to define the current reality. Where you are. Where you need to be. How you intend to get there. With this information in place, leadership can begin:
- Your role(s) and responsibilities
- Your strengths profile
- Your challenge(s)
What Makes this Leadership Program Unique
This is not a one-size fits-all program. Leadership styles are unique. This program is designed to support you in triggering excellence in leadership.
This program is not for the faint-hearted. It questions. It challenges. It mirrors. It stretches your capacity to trigger excellence.
About the Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program
This Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program is a 12-month program for executives and senior management.
Why this Leadership Program succeeds
The program has been designed to trigger excellence in leadership not in leaders. It picks you up where you are and supports you in moving to where you need to be.
The program is successful because the focus is 100% on your real-life leadership challenges and on you developing your capacity to approach them differently. Critical incidents are identified, analysed and used as opportunities for managing targeted change.
The program sees you as part of the leadership process and so success is guaranteed.
Who is the Leadership Program Targeting
The Triggering Excellence in Leadership Program is for executives and senior management who have proven track records and are working in the international environment.
Executive Leadership
The program is for those executives and senior management who see the big picture but are confronted with silo mentalities and tunnel vision. Some personalities have become a nightmare.
Click here to learn more about the Executive Leadership Program
Team Leadership
The program is also for leadership and management teams who need to touch base in order to stay on track and sustain the required momentum moving forward.