Contact Honor Cooper-Kovács
I hope you have found the information on this website valuable and inspiring. If you would now like to learn about if and how I might be able to support you in triggering excellence in leadership, just call or email me to set up a time to speak.
When you call me, we’ll have a conversation to explore your present situation and where you see the challenges. After this call, I’ll have a clearer picture whether what I have to offer is enough of a fit for you to move forward.
If there’s a fit, we’ll then set up a meeting, either via phone or skype or in person, to conduct an in-depth leadership strategy session.
In this session, I gather information that allows me to provide you with a proposal. In the proposal I outline, from my perspective, the scope of the intervention needed including an estimation of the time frame and the investment required.
Modes of Contact
You can contact me by:
- phone: +49 (0)172 707 4797
- email: [email protected]